

  MANAVI . I met Manavi in college. We were part of the team that was in charge of everyone’s internships. And since we were the Covid Batch, we completed our first year online so basically this was our first meeting. Though very unlikely of me, I was one of the few first ones to arrive and she came when all of us were chatting with the professor. She wore smart casuals, had a bob cut that was blonde in the front and she set her foot in wearing velvet, emerald-green heels. She walked in with a radiant smile and confidence so sharp that it held the potential to pierce a hole in a diamond. Boss lady, I thought to myself. It was as though the woman I had dreamt of becoming was taken out of my mind and placed right in front of me. You know how some people enter your lives and even if for a short while, their impact stays with you forever? She was one of them. It was my second day in the city and I was still looking for places to stay and as fate unfolded, her PG had the last bed em...


ADULTING. Every time we complete a milestone in our lives, we feel as though we're now a grown up. Like the first time we had to wear a blazer as a uniform or our first boards or our first relationship. And every time we reach a higher milestone, we think that the last one wasn’t big enough. I mean think about your first heart break. If it were to happen to you now, would you cry like the world was ending? But surely if you go back, it was a huge deal. It fairly even was because you cannot ask a thirteen-year-old to understand the complexities of a relationship. An early teen would only look at it from a perspective of a kid and for them, everything has to go right because their parents have created a perfect world for them. Then as they start tasting the real world, they don’t like it. We’re all like fetuses at every stage of our lives and our womb is the comfort zone which we and the people who love us have made around us. And every time we have to stretch that boundary, it hurts...

Trying to fit in.

Do you remember as kids, we have all once tried to be a part of the "cool kids” groups? We've tried so hard to be friends with these people, that we’ve put our mental peace at stake. We've been made to feel dumb for not understanding their jokes so we've laughed at all their jokes which most of the times didn't make sense to us; just so that we don't feel left out.  We tried to fit in . We endeavoured to make them notice us because we were the not-so-popular kids and they were the coolest! Everyone loved them, everyone either talked to them or about them, everyone wanted to hang out with them, everyone gave them their favourite pens to write with in case they had forgotten to get theirs. Why would anyone not wanna be a part of something like that, that had so much attention! When they entered the classroom, everyone would know. They’d shout “WHAT’S UP EVERYBODYYYY!” and everyone would turn to look at ‘em. They strolled in the corridors giving High-Fives and hug...

I'm a Non-Muslim and I love Hijab.

  Disclaimer/ Trigger Warning : The following blog includes a documented personal experience of wearing a Hijab. It includes my opinions and thoughts on it and relevant topics. I do not intend to offend anyone or promote violence and hate among any sort of communities. I have done enough research and asked my Muslim friends whether wearing the Hijab as a Non-Muslim was apt and have received a positive affirmation. Viewer’s discretion is advised. Hijab is an Arabic word that literally means barrier. The Quran says that believing women should lower their gaze and only show their hands, feet and face in order to guard their private parts; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their khimar (a head covering or veil worn in public by some muslim women) over their bosom and not display their beauty. But Hijab is not just that. It is also rather a beautiful sign of modesty. Quran doesn’t just suggest ...

Little things make big differences.

   Backstory: It had been a long time since I "actually" got ready to go out so when I heard papa say 'get ready we're going on a drive' I didn't ask where and got all ready and wore heels (I was really excited to wear them after ages okay so don't judge my style lol).  We went to Neer Sagar Dam! The pathway from the parking to the dam was about a km far and rocky. There was an alternative path where we could drive till the destination but that meant missing the beautiful scenery. Dad asked us if we'd walk to the place or if he should get the Car and me, being the over excited ass, said "we'll walk! Look at the scenery! I would never miss it!" Little did I know I only had to look at my legs and the damn stones because if I looked up, I'd fall! I held on to my mom's arm really tight trying very hard not to fall and she tried really hard not to laugh at me lol. I finally reached the place and oh boy! It was so worth it! The vibes we...

Mahabharat in Quarantine

Just as I finished watching the whole season of Mahabharat today I had tears in my eyes. Tears of grief and happiness both. Why? Because there was victory of dharm on one end, and on the other end was this question troubling thousand others like me - "Was it all worth so much destruction and blood?"  Krishna said - When a tree gives bitter fruits we can't just cut the branches and expect it to give sweeter fruits. One needs to destroy the whole tree so that in future another tree can be planted which gives better and sweeter fruits." True.  Dharm yuddh like it is called was fought to provide a better and a sweeter future for the coming generations and it demanded massive destruction. The post-war years must have been the happiest ones since it did not involve adharmis anymore. But for that to happen, so many sacrifices were made, so many people lost their loved ones, so much of mental trauma was experienced, the past was erased to make the future strong though many...

What defines the bond of a brother?

Do you think only DNA defines the interminable brother and sister Bond? Of course not! The things that describe this bond is unconditional love, lots of care and them always having your back. I have one special person like this other than my own brother, who is my 'go to' person whenever something bad happens. I could've called him my best friend but it somehow feels doing injustice to the amount of love and care he has for me. This story is his. We were in the same school from grade one but the thing that is unbelievable is we never spoke. In grade eight we happened to be in the same class and one of my friends told me that he had a crush on me! Now this was the first time I'd been told that someone liked me but I was crushing on someone else from a very long time and there were zero chances of me liking him back. It was until then when he texted me one day on Instagram after we had finished our 10th asking, why  I hadn't followed him back,  that I discovered it w...